COVID-19 Immunizations Dashboard
MAJOR UPDATE -- December 2021
The COVKID Team is now reporting COVID-19 immunization data based on a new and improved categorization scheme, which takes into account declining (waning) vaccine effectiveness over time. We now analyze daily CDC vaccination data by both type (brand) of vaccine and date of vaccination and/or booster to precisely determine the number of people who fall into one of four mutually exclusive categories, on a given date:
Not immunized = never had a dose of vaccine
Partially immunized = one dose of Pfizer or Moderna
Immunized with waning immunity = overdue for booster dose (>5 months after 2nd dose)
Optimally immunized = got the booster, or it's too soon for the booster
Children 5-11 years old recently became eligible to receive the two-dose Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine approved by the FDA for use in the United States, and CDC has begun to report national vaccine uptake data for children 5-11 years old. Our analyses currently assume that there is no vaccine effectiveness waning over time for children 5-11 years, because boosters have not yet been approved for this age group. For children 12-17 years old, booster doses are recommended beginning 5 months after the 2-dose regimen is completed. There is scientific evidence that the vaccines wane in effectiveness over time even for teenagers.
Keep in mind that the percent of people who are optimally immunized can decline over time, if the number of people receiving booster shots does not keep pace with the number of people who pass their booster due-date. You can read about the technical details of our analyses and algorithm in our new research paper:
Pathak EB and Salemi JL, 2021. Population Optimally Immunized after Accounting for Type-Specific COVID-19 Vaccine Waning Intervals: State-Level Prevalence and Trends. MEDRXIV/2021/267295 (Pending)
​​Keep in mind that the CDC vaccination data are not perfect - there are some anomalies for certain states that suggest the possibility of reporting errors.